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The Lab In the Attic

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Some more Random Crap

Absolute craziness. I (sort of) wish I knew what they were saying.

This is so cool! Liquid water on another planet! (actually one of Saturn's moons, Enceladus) I can't wait until they offer a three-night stay at a Holiday Inn there!

Buy this movie! Or this one! Or this one! (IF you dare!)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Go Heat!

Have you been watching the Miami Heat games? Can you BELIEVE those last two games they STOLE??

Baseball season has started here (for the Little League) Kind of sad; this is probably my son's last year playing organized ball. He goes into high school next year, and unless he changes his mind (or get fantastically better) he won't be playing next year. And I certainly won't be coaching anymore, unless in the next few years I do something stupid like sign up to coach when I have no kid playing.

Only if I win the lottery.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Work had been beating up on me lately. 10-hours days is not the way for management to get good numbers on their surveys... as if they really cared.

Got "Pulse" from my best friend Netflix, and watched it alone one night, real late. It's one of those Japanese horror movies that somebody I'm sure will soon think it's necessary to remake because they think Americans can't read subtitles while watching a movie.

This film asked, among other things, where do people go when they die. And what if wherever it is they do go gets too full? And somehow the internet come up.

There are unanswered questions let to your imagination and some genuienly creepy moments in this movie, two moments that actually made my skin crawl, and that hasn't happened to me in a long time. Most horror movies made today just try to make you jump, and that isn't scary. "Pulse" scared me.

Also been watching on DVD:

The Flash '90s comic for TV; not bad. Not great.
Cold Feet Billed as 'British FRIENDS' but more soap-opera than funny.
Mirrormask Neil Gaiman live-action dream. Cool effects, nice story, an engaging movie most people will never see
Stat Trek (The original series) Gotta watch Kirk and Spock once in a while.

On TV:
Battlestar Galactica Far, far better than I would have thought at the start, probably the best show on TV today.

Welcome back, me.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Where the hell did February go???