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The Lab In the Attic

Monday, March 03, 2008

So I hear there was this six-legged octopus found. In England. I even saw a picture of it. Yep, two were missing; it had only six legs. Or are they arms? And they even named it. 'Hexapus.' Get it?
In fact, it was right next to an ad for The Museum of Beauty, which also had a picture on it. Of the famous statue, the Venus de Milo. Who is also missing two arms.
What are the chances of that?
The ad even took you to a neat little website (http://museumofbeauty.biz/) where you could look at a 3-D rendition of it.
The statue, not the octopus.
While I do appreciate the beauty of the statue, she isn't (wasn't?) the happiest looking person I ever saw.
I guess missing two arms would do that to you.
I wonder if the octopus is upset about missing two arms?



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