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The Lab In the Attic

Thursday, April 28, 2005

LAND OF THE DEAD trailer!!!

OH MAN! I just saw the the first LAND OF THE DEAD trailer! It's online now:


and as intriguing as I thought the SERENITY trailer was...the LAND OF THE DEAD trailer fucking ROCKS!!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go eat a person to celebrate.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

SERENITY Trailer! NJ Trip!

Crazy things going on here in the Attic. Because of the nutty calendar this year, Passover was much later than normal and so it missed Spring Break. Went to NJ for Passover last weekend, saw lots of family and ate far fewer White Castle burgers than I wanted. Kids missed a few days of school, which I'm sure they didn't care about. Flights up and back were so delayed that it took up nearly the entire day each way. Of course, it's still faster than walking (or driving) but still...

Can't wait to see the Firefly movie "Serenity." Comes out in Sept but the trailer is out now on:


Reading a book called 'Cirque Du Freak" about a boy who goes to a freak show, gets involved with what turns out to be a vampire, and ends up working for the Man (vamp) Where were these cool books when I was 13?

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Happy Birthday to a Sticky Friend

It is an office tool that has risen to the top of the ranks of popularity right alongside the desktop PC. And like that high-tech device, it helps millions of busy workers communicate with each other, organize information, and keep track of important dates and reminders.

And it never needs to be plugged in to work.

Twenty-five years ago this week(Yahoo! News) 3M began selling its Post-it Notes, a simple yet innovative creation that still offers tons of utility in a now-digital world. Look around any home or office and these removable, self-sticking notes are likely highlighting important documents or festooned around computer monitors to remind people of online passwords or other important bits of PC info.

It's the simplicity and accessibility of Post-its are still big draws for many people.

According to 3M, some of the more memorable Post-its particulars of the last 25 years:

* Last October, 75,000 Post-its were used to create the world's largest pink ribbon for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The sticky notes, placed on an outdoor billboard 18 stories above New York's Times Square, hung around for the entire month.

* In December 2000, artist R.B. Kitaj created a charcoal and pastel drawing on an ordinary Post-it. It sold for $925 in an online charity auction and created a Guinness World Record for most valuable sticky note.

* In 1998, a survey conducted by the Gallup Organization and the Institute for the Future found that the average worker receives 11 messages a day on Post-its. (sounds a little high to me but whatever...)

* In 1996, one Post-it survived a trip from Las Vegas to Minneapolis - accidentally stuck to the nose of a jet plane.

It was intended as a reminder for the Las Vegas ground crew. Essentially it lasted speeds of 500 miles per hour and temperatures of minus 56 degrees.

The secret to Post-its' lasting success is the unique glue discovered by 3M scientist Spence Silver in 1968. Silver's colleague, Art Fry, then put the residue-free adhesive to good use: as sticky bookmarks for his church hymnals. From that small practical application, Post-its were born and 3M has stuck with them ever since.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


It happened again!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


I let that time get away. I promise to not let that happen again.