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The Lab In the Attic

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hello down there!

Once again, way too long.
Did my civic duty and voted yesterday. Stood in line for nearly three hours, waiting. At least it was cool outside. It was overcast and even rained a little. Had an umbrella. Listened to Ricky Gervais podcast from '06. Very funny stuff. I'm still not used to standing in the middle of people but with wearing those earbuds being in my own little universe. I looked around me and wondered how all these people had the time to stand in line for three hours. I guess they could have looked at me and thought the same thing.
So now I'm switching jobs at work. I start it on Monday. My old position was moved to India so I had to find something else. I looked all summer, both within and outside the company. What a lousy time for this to happen, there's just not much out there. I'm taking a job I don't particularly want but at least it's a job, so I'm not complaining too much. Could be worse.
Halloween is coming up. Years ago it used to almost be like my own private holiday; nobody I knew did anything for it. I used to be the only adult to wear goofy makeup or colored contacts to work. Now it's a big holiday where millions of dollars are spent on it, stores sell blow-up Frankenstein dolls and entire rows are reserved at stores for crappy costumes. And then the day after it's over they'll bring out the Christmas stuff.
The year is going by way too fast.


  • congrats on voting!

    what did you decide on for your costume in the end?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:19 PM  

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