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The Lab In the Attic

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

I'm Back......Again

Well, that was quite a break. Too long. Things have changed, some good, some not so. Guess that's life. And they say the hardest part about life....is living it.

Watched the Superbowl. Was pleasantly surprised at the outcome. While not a Giants fan, rooting for them to win, I'm not a Pats fan either. I rooted against the Pats. There just shouldn't be too many 'perfect' seasons. One should be enough. See, there is only one team in NFL history that went an entire season perfectly. One. And if the Pats were to do it again, that one loses some of that perfectness.

Well, it didn't happen, so I quit thinking about it real quick. And while I'm happy for all my NY family members, my tenure as a Giants fan was over just as quickly too.