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The Lab In the Attic

Saturday, December 31, 2005


Yes, it's that time of year again; it's the END OF THE YEAR. It's time for a new one.

We watched Dick Clark (did I tell you I met him? In Dallas) do his thing. He looked good, for all he went through in the last year. Doesn't sound too good but you know what? Big deal. It's great to see him again.

Hope you all have a good one.

Monday, December 26, 2005

More Fun

ebaum's world is a funny website. It's got flash animation, illusions, etc. And this weird thing called Rubber Johnny. Looks like a David-Lynch wannabe.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Funny Stuff

Funny. Are these moving or not? And my daily woot.

Friday, December 23, 2005


Went back to work just for today after having mucho days off (one nice benefit of working for a BIG company during the day while pursuing a career of costumed-crime fighting at night )
wanting just to catch up on email.

Saw many people I did not miss, heard lots of stories about how much work there was that I did not help with, and in general made me realize what a crappy time of year this can be. I don't even celebrate The Holiday, but because the kids are out of school for a few weeks it's nice to be able to take a few days off and spend some time at home with them (for what little time they are actually at home; now that they both are 'young adults' they seem to want to go out, stretch their legs and experience the world with their friends rather than sit home with Mom and Dad watching lame-o movies)

Anyway, getting back to work; people either take their Vacation Days and pretend to be independently wealthy or they're at work because they used up all their vacation time on silly weekend romps to the Bahamas or to Disneyworld, and now they're sitting at their desk during the "Holiday" week, resenting everyone else who is out of the office.

Sorry if I had the foresight to save a little of my days of and use them at this time of year.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Somebody Thankfully Woke Up


On Tuesday U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III in Dover PA. declared ID ("intelligent Design) ruled that "it is unconstitutional to teach intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in a public school science classroom" on the grounds that "intelligent design is a religious view."

Read about it here. And here.

There! Finally somebody said it out loud and in court.

"Intelligent Design" is NOT science but it IS religion!

I have been reading about this 'debate' with my jaw on the floor. How can any person with an open mind think that this "Intelligent Design" is nothing but a ploy to get religious views into the science classroom? Let's not even bring up that fact that the U. S. Constitution bars this very thing?

This decision has nothing to say for or against the merits of "Intelligent Design." It's just that, like any religion, it has nothing to do with actual science, and therefore should not be taught in any science class in any public school.

And please don't even get me started on their argument that the universe is so complicated it MUST have been created by an 'intelligent being.' Hey, just because I don't understand how a cell phone works, does that mean it MUST be 'magic'?

I love this quote from a science teacher:

"This judge missed absolutely not a single opportunity to put intelligent design in its place. The 139-page opinion is erudite; it's sophisticated; it's very definitive. I'll be mining it for quotes for years."

Read the Judges complete decision for yourself here. I think he makes such a clear case that I would hope it would shut these "ID" people up for a while (but I know it won't)

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I Need Help

Okay, I have a dilemma. Today, along with the purchase of our new dishwasher (his name is Jose) we bought a spify set of brand-new Teflon-coated frying pans.

These are probably our 3,489,256th set of nonstick pans that we have purchased for this house. For some unknown reason we seem to go through them as quickly as toilet paper in a diarrhea ward.

Now I have been contemplating on this long and hard. I have recently narrowed it down to one of two possibilities.

One; over the years someone small and stelthful must be sneaking into our house late each night and, little by little, biting at the nonstick coating of all our frying pans in an attempt to slowly poison us by seeing to it that we ingest little bits of Teflon each time we use the pans. The more we use the pan, the more Teflon comes off into our food. Hence, the plot to poison us. (and the reason for those metalic-tasting scrambled eggs)

The other possibility, remote as it may be, is that someone in this very household is not using the proper utensils when cooking with the forementioned frying pans, i.e., using metal forks with sharp pointy tips or deadly steak knives with wicked serrated edges, instead of using the approved plastic thingies that say they are actually MADE to be used on nonstick coated frying pans.

So here's is the dilemma.

Do we buy a better lock for the front door or post a guard dog in the kitchen?

Friday, December 02, 2005

CU Later

Okay, I'm taking some time off. As a benefit of my employment I get lots of time off each year, and right now I have plenty of it left over, and if I don't use it I lose it.

I will try to post things as they come up but don't hold your breath. I plan on watching lots of movies, TV-on-DVD, and in general being a couch potato, except for maybe painting the inside doors and hallways.

If I get to it.

Try not to miss me too much.