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The Lab In the Attic

Monday, August 08, 2005

Thank you Mr. Jennings

I just heard this morning that Peter Jenning, the heart and soul of ABC World News Tonight for over twenty years, passed away yesterday.

So sad. I grew up watching him, and watched him right up to that day in April when he announced he had lung cancer. I was hoping he would be one of the lucky ones and pull through.

I always liked listening to Peter, he seemed genuine and honest in his reporting. You felt like he cared, where the other two Network anchors were more arrogant and cold in their news reporting. Peter Jennings was the only anchor I ever really trusted.

After close to a quarter of a century on the air, they all end up leaving within a matter of weeks. Dan Rather disgracefully, Tom Brokaw with dignity and Peter Jennings permanently.

Now all we have is CNN sound bites and that mouth Bill O'Reilly on FOX, who's only a "commentator" and not a true News Anchor.

Mr. Jennings was a real journalist, a real Anchor, and seemed like a classy guy. We won't see great anchors like him anymore. He will be missed.